The main points of choosing a web hosting are
1. The firm which provides the service has to stabilize. As the web hosting quarter, it is easy to be originated and easy to be died. Nowadays, several web hosting servicers have been originated and a number of clients have been being preys. It inflicts on the customers. Therefore, the first advice is choosing a reliable company. If that firm has been registered as a juristic person, it will be more reliability.How to choose web hosting - which package is better way for you?
1.You have to check what kind of language you should use for your website. If you use html, flash, php and mysql, Linux Server is your choice because it is less expensive and more feature than it is in Window Server. If you use asp and access, You have to use only Window Server
2. After selecting a server, what kind of package should you choose? It depends on space of use and efficiency for example,
If the space of use is important, package Affordable Linux Server is your choice because this package provides plenty of space and inexpensive.
If you are a big firm, the space and efficiency of server are important for your website to be able to work fully. Business Linux Server has been prepared for you. It is cheaper than server dedicating.
- If you are a general company and not much mail and website, a mini package of บ Linux Server or a small package for Windows Server is your choice.
Now you can select the best package for your website. If you use a package and later on it is found out that the space is not enough, you can contact us to upgrade your plan anytime. You just pay the differential service fee.