Suitable for small businesses or individuals, and will only check the domain owner's information on Whois.
This type of certificate is easy and quick to obtain, and it will display a lock icon on the browser.
Suitable for corporate websites or e-commerce sites, it will check the domain owner's information on Whois.
And verify the organization before issuing the Certificate, with a certification issuance period of 2-4 days.
The display on the Web Browser will show a green key in the Address Bar and the organization's name will appear in the Certificate details.
Suitable for websites that require high organizational credibility, such as financial websites or medium to large corporate websites.
The domain owner's information on Whois will be thoroughly and strictly verified before issuing the Certificate, with a certification issuance period of 7-15 days.
This type of SSL Certificate provides the highest level of SSL security and is displayed on web browsers.
A green key icon will appear in the Address Bar, covering the organization's name with a green bar.