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Domain Transfer - NOT for .th
(.com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .us, .tv, .asia, .cc, .cn,, .me, .mobi, .name )

Domain Transfer - transfer domain name have 2 types

  • Transfer Registrar

    is the change of main domain name service provider, for instance transfer from Direct to OnlineNIC. For Tranfer Registrar, before transferring domain name, you have to contact your current domain name service provider to unlock Domain name and request for transfer secret number or authentic code.

  • Transfer Reseller

    is the change of Reseller but still domain name is still with the same main domain name service provider (registrar), for example your current domain is registered with OnlineNIC through Later on, you want to change the reseller from to which is Reseller of OnlineNIC. Fro transferring reseller, the current domain reseller has to be informed and they have to process for you. You cannot process by yourselves.

Procedure of Transfer Domain Name

  • Check that your current domain name has been registered with which registrar (inquire from current domain name service provider)
  • If your domain name has been registered with OnlineNIC and want to transfer to, the current service provider has to be informed to Transfer Reseller to Reseller ID: 362345
  • If you want to transfer registrar, for example transfer form current registrar which is not OnlineNIC, please contact your current service provider to unlock domain name and request for transfer secret or authentic code.

  • After preparing for domain transfer domain name, please fill the detail in this form

Please fill domain name that you want to transfer to IC-MyHost.COM
Domain Name:
Auth-Code <== Case Transfer Registrar

Note : The authenticated code or transfer secret password can be requested from your current domain service provider.

The condition for domain transfer

  • Domain transfer (change registrar) has to be processed before domain name expires at least 30 days
  • Domain name which has been transferred will be renewed for 1 year from domain name expiring date forward
  • The domain name which just has been registered cannot be retransfer within 60 days
  • Domain Nameที่ทำการโอนย้ายจะต้องมีอายุอย่างน้อย 60 วัน (นับจากวันที่ต่ออายุโดเมนครั้งล่าสุด)

Transfer Domain .th

Preparing document Document for changing registrar, then stamp + sign and email to thailand dedicated server
Thnic Reseller Authorize

Domain .th Free for .ไทย

Register Domain .th  Free for .ไทย