Website design principles

Principles of web page design are actually nothing fixed. We just need to adhere to the principles for universality and suitability of web pages. When designing a web page, we mainly take into account the visitors. What kind of people does the website we create want to attract? We make it according to those types of people who come in.

Website design principles

Principles of web page design are actually nothing fixed. We just need to adhere to the principles for universality and suitability of web pages. When designing a web page, we mainly take into account the visitors. What kind of people does the website we create want to attract? We make it according to those types of people who come in.

Principles of web page design, actually there is nothing fixed. We just need to adhere to the principles for universality and suitability of web pages. When designing a web page, we mainly take into account the visitors. What kind of people does the website we create want to attract? We make it out according to what type of people come in, for example. I will make a website for teenagers. People who will become our customers are teenagers. Therefore, we have to design it to be modern, cute, and pleasing to all ages. But how to design it, what colors to use, what must be included? Let's take a look at the criteria (these criteria apply to all websites and all types).

Category content It is very important that content must be categorized so that visitors can easily find information and not be confused about what is where.

Must be easy to read (Read Ability) The letters we use must not be too small or too large. (CSS Styles are currently used to define fixed font sizes or colors.) And it should be a color that contrasts with the background. For example, a white background should not use light green or yellow. or other light, faded colors

Loads slowly, pages are not long (Fast Load) This part is important. If you make a website that loads very slowly, it will cause customers to turn to other websites while they wait. or worse You can close our website altogether. But don't criticize me, the Internet in Thailand is still not developed and is a little slow. If it's tolerably slow, just keep waiting. The part that says the face is not long is Some websites (mostly portal websites such as hunsa, sanook) have very long pages. Until you move the scrollbar down to move the mouse and scroll the roller until it reaches the end of the table (too much!..) Let's just say that it shouldn't be longer than 3 screens.

Update news frequently. (Update) This part is the highlight of the website. I beg you, if you make a website, don't just do it once and throw it away. Please do it and keep doing it continuously. (Those who do it once and don't update it are probably more suitable for making their own history-themed websites) Because I went to many websites, including amateur websites, about 60% of them were done and then left them out. How many times have you looked at them? Last Update It's still at 02/06/1999. Seeing it like this is boring. I recommend that if it's good, the information should be updated every 2 - 3 days at a time, or once a week, or once 15 days, or once a month. I can't take it. But if you really don't have time to update, you should write on the web page that you will temporarily stop updating so as not to lose your own creadit. And let customers follow and come see it often.

Don't let there be mistakes (Good Spelling) If you make a website and then allow mistakes to appear, especially large ones, it will make your website look inferior. It will appear as if the webmaster of that website is not a professional at all. But for small mistakes According to the article, if you have so many that you are unable to check every page, you can allow it.

Every direction has a place to go (Navigation Bar) Getting lost on a web page is more frustrating than getting lost in a department store. Because on the website there is nothing to see besides the screen. And wasting more time And I feel like I'm so stupid that I can see why just one website has messed us all up. Therefore, every page must have a menu to return to the first page and other pages. For the convenience of customers

Sign available to follow (Use Sign) A picture is worth a thousand words. Using signs that are easy to understand, such as "arrows" That will lead you to click to go see details on the next page. Any sign or symbol that can let customers know. What are you going to tell him?

Every question must have an answer. (FAQ) Even if you say your website It is designed to be easy to use no matter how difficult it is. But believe me, customers have questions in their minds all the time. which if you answer immediately Customers will feel happy and impressed with your service. Adding FAQs to your site helps customers find the answers they need on their own. It will help customers not hesitate. and decide to be your customer more easily In this FAQ section, there will be questions and answers regarding surfing the site. In order to have easier access to various services, especially on websites related to E-commerce

Every favorite word must be shown. (Testimonial) Customer compliments are very meaningful and important. It is the one that shows trust and creates more Creadit for us than if we just sit and admire ourselves. Therefore, if possible, it should be displayed so that other customers can see and gain confidence. Especially on websites that are about E-commerce

Clear telephone number, not obtrusive (Logo, Brand Name & Tel No.) This one is not just a phone number. It includes all information used to contact us, whether it's a phone number, E-mail, ICQ logo, map, or anything else. We should show it as clearly and truthfully as possible in order to contact you back easily or if it's possible to install a script. In contacting you back automatically, it will be easier and faster.

For customers to use as reference (Reference Address) You include your contact address at the bottom of every web page. It can help create business opportunities for you. Why? Because besides customers remembering that Where are your contacts or business? He will contact you immediately. In addition, when the customer types out your web page. These contact addresses will also be included. If the document is forwarded to others You will have a target audience that can contact you immediately without having to go online. To find contact information is no hassle at all (for example, on the 2capsule website, if you want to print the article, it will have the logo and URL attached to it for internal promotion) which is very suitable for E-Commerce websites.

Everything must be found. (Search) If your website is a website that sells many types of products or has many articles on many topics, then It is indispensable for the tools used for Search on our own website. To use in making searches more convenient and Reduce customer time as well

Everything is easy, you can do it yourself. (Help) This section is similar to the FAQ, but it teaches you how to use your website. The more systems your website has, the more necessary it is to have comments or instructions for use at every point. To prevent customer mistakes

Surf the site for fun (Fun Stuff) Adding interesting features or insert some joy into the site If you don't have too much to worry about, I think you should consider adding it to your site. On the internet there are many A site that provides free cartoons and free jokes. You can link this content to your site. So that users don't feel that your site is too academic.

Must be considerate of our customers (Friendly Dialog) Being considerate here means using words on the website. Should be used appropriately and the most friendly or most universal For easy and friendly communication, especially in E-Commerce if customers are friendly with us. He will definitely choose to buy our products over other websites that are not friendly.

Reduce the size of the image to remain small and beautiful (Fix Image Size) I don't mean reducing the size of the image here. Take an image size 500 x 500 and reduce it in the web writing program to 200 x 200 because of that type of reduction. It really makes the image that we open look smaller, but the size is still the same. Loading takes as long as before, so it won't help at all. But what I will tell you is to reduce the size or reduce the size of the image using a program like Photoshop or other image editing programs. Because reducing the size there will help reduce the size of your image as well. But to reduce the size, you also need to have quite a bit of knowledge in graphics programming. Because we have to reduce the size of the image as much as possible but still have the same beauty (you've probably seen pictures that are 50KB and 45KB beautiful as well because people who reduce them to that size are talented enough). But now there's a program out there for that. Reduce the size of specific images Which I will bring for you to download. Try following.

Regarding the frequently opened tag (Open tag) Tag in HTML, it will be displayed only when it reads the closed tag, so you write a website. Then open and close the tag frequently to speed up displaying.

Link Don't let go if it's wrong (Link Break) When the website is finished Try to check the link to make sure it doesn't crash. But sometimes you link to another website and they Closing the website down doesn't help. You must try following it often.

Reduce the file size of our website (Fix File Size) The size of the html file used to be rarely published on the web, so it was no more than 20 - 30 kb. But nowadays there is more scripting and formatting and content, so the size has gone to 70 - 150 kb. But according to my opinion I shouldn't exceed 50 - 80 kb because the more it is, the slower it is. It's like we're downloading a file with a size of 100 kb. How long do you think it will take (just the text, excluding images or anything else?) But if it's necessary, it's okay. Because nowadays the Internet is fast enough