What are the benefits of creating a website and electronic marketing?

This is despite the fact that there has been a rapid increase in the number of entrepreneurs using websites as a commercial tool. The number of successful people is small. These are the main reasons why online businesses are not successful.

What are the benefits of creating a website and electronic marketing?

This is despite the fact that there has been a rapid increase in the number of entrepreneurs using websites as a commercial tool. The number of successful people is small. These are the main reasons why online businesses are not successful.

 The advantages of this type of marketing can be summarized as follows
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For entrepreneurs
1. Save money Because sales documents such as catalogs, brochures, and other sales documents No need to type on paper, allowing for quick document production.  Beautifully, these documents can also be modified without having to reprint them. The delivery was fast. And there is no charge for delivering documents. These reasons lead to lower communication costs.
2. Save time and reduce marketing processes This is because it does not require time to produce media in terms of coordinating with advertising companies and producing documents. Reduce the process of using salespeople to meet customers   Entrepreneurs can present information to customers quickly and accurately. And when customers require additional or specific information, operators can provide them quickly. which makes trading more convenient
3. The seller can determine the purchase process Because selling on the web, sellers can organize the purchasing process for customers to follow the steps specified by facilitating forms and filling out. Only customers click and talk. The purchasing process is finished. which responds quickly to customer needs and meets the needs of customers the most
4. Sellers can provide customers with as much information as they want and the information will be standardized. which if compared to traditional marketing that uses employees to provide information The standard of information depends on the employee's fatigue and mood.
5. The market is vast Because it can be sold to customers all over the world Therefore, distance and time will not be obstacles for sales.
6. Eliminate barriers to selling productsin some countries because they can be sold to anyone with a computer. Rules, regulations, and restrictions. Trade, which used to be an obstacle in traditional marketing, will no longer be an obstacle. Especially the products that are traded using the download method
7. Able to sell and communicate at all timeswith the same standards throughout  365 days and 24 hours, which makes it possible to sell at any time.
8. Advertising and public relations are extensive Because it can be linked to various websites Those interested can Can search for information from other websites Make it accessible to many buyers
9. Data from buyers allows marketers to quickly adjust marketing plans and strategies. Suggestions or comments from buyers will be useful in improving products, prices, conditions and various marketing strategies.
10. Entrepreneurs can find out information about competitors' marketing strategies&/strong>By going to competitors' websites, they will know their marketing strategies  This allows you to quickly adjust your marketing plan
Advantages for customers
1.  Customers can choose products and services all over the world to get the best.
2. Buyers pay less for products. Because the seller does not have to pay middleman costs. In addition, sellers often sell at similar prices to competitors because buyers can compare prices easily and quickly.
3. Buyers save time in choosing to buy. Because information can be found quickly and is close to reality. In traditional marketing, buyers travel to many places. or having to travel from home to go to the place where the products are sold Even at the sales location, there may not be all products available for comparison. But when choosing to buy on the web, you can compare all products and with technology can make the products as close to the truth as possible. http://www.folksvagen.com/ is a website where customers who visit can see cars from every angle. Even inside the car
Qualities of electronic marketers who will be successful
Marketers who trade on the internet Must have qualifications As follows
1. be creative Just like general marketing, marketers must decorate storefronts to attract or demand attention.  Marketers must adjust their website to make it interesting all the time. Because if there is no change, it will make customers bored and stop paying attention to the website.
2. Be a person who knows customer behavior deeply. Must truly understand the needs of customers. and know how to motivate customers to visit the website regularly
3. Be sensitive to change Since web marketing is a 2-way communication, customers will be able to contact the seller at any time. For example, asking for information about products or services. Marketers must respond quickly to customers.
4. He is the coordinator of the ten directions. In order to serve customers quickly and correctly, the company must be ready at all times. which marketers must work together with customers Product owners, production departments, delivery companies, and other businesses, therefore, they must have the ability to coordinate these various departments or individuals to be ready to provide services.
5. Be professional Do everything with high efficiency. Solves immediate problems well
6. Be an enthusiastic person Must follow the details of the work from start to finish. Therefore, one must have very high willpower to work
7. Have a vision, must be able to accurately predict the future. Because of that marketing The web is changing very quickly. In terms of customers, the quantity is increasing rapidly. Competitors who continually adjust their strategies Technology that never stops Therefore, web marketers must be people who are not afraid of change. and follow changes all the time
Reasons why electronic marketing is not successful
Although there has been a rapid increase in the number of entrepreneurs using websites as a commercial tool, The number of successful people is small. These are the main reasons why online businesses are not successful.
1. Use only one online media to communicate with the target group. For example, use advertising or public relations on your own website. and through other websites only which is communication only with groups that know the internet (Not using non-electronic media (Offline media) will prevent access to new customer groups.
2. Don't use the website seriously. Some businesses open websites according to fashion. A good example is Toys “R”Us, the largest toy retailer. and is the most well known in the retail system But in the e-commerce system, it was unceremoniously defeated when compared to E-toys because in the beginning Company opens website Its sole purpose is to provide an online catalog only. Therefore allocated a very small amount of budget and personnel, which is different from E-toys, which is serious about this matter.
3. Operating without professionalism Personnel in various fields are not skilled in e-commerce work. At the same time, one must also be responsible for work in the traditional trade system. causing a lack of skills and expertise
4. Do not adjust or adjust your strategy too late. Marketing in e-commerce must be an aggressive marketing strategy. Because competition and technology that will support marketing strategies change rapidly. This makes web marketing strategies obsolete very quickly. If you don't regularly check the effectiveness of your strategy. It may make the original strategy obsolete. and eventually lose customers
5. Obsessed with technology and forgetting the importance of marketing. It is often misunderstood that creating a website must be complete with technology including animation, sound, and various techniques. To attract the attention of visitors The technology-rich website makes visiting the website very time consuming. In order to call each page to view Therefore causing customers to change their minds and go to other websites. The same goes for uninteresting TV shows or TV commercials. Viewers often press the remote control to change the channel and watch a program on another channel. In addition, you must not forget that Data is what customers are more interested in than technology.
6. Use mass marketing instead of specific marketing (Segment or niche marketing). Many companies when opening a website It usually starts with an effort to get as many people as possible to visit. So they put everything on their website. Until there is no clear target group. Therefore, it is wise to choose the target group clearly. Then present products or services in depth which meets the principles of niche marketing, for example www.timezone.com Offering only luxury wristwatches for sale. To sell to high-level target groups which is one website that is successful in sales Although there are not many visitors, But everyone who comes in is The real target group of marketing
7. Packed with information But most of this information is not necessary for the customer. It is information that does not make a profit or bring any benefit to the company. Moreover, it also causes costs. Some websites contain organizational charts. (Organization chart) and all details of the company It's as if you were making a company annual report or brochure.