linux hosting | linux web hosting | linux host | linux server hosting | linux web server | ลินุกซ์ โฮสติ้ง

Hosting for Linux Server, the package of hosting for linux server has the space from 100 MB to 2 GB. Inexpensive and unlimited data transferring are applied to all of our packages. Therefore, it is no extra payment. It is suitable for firms, stores and private websites following the general standard.

Linux Server Hosting
  • For business, Windows Server and Linux Server are your choice. Unlimited data transfer which you can use website without bandwidth limitation is served.
  • Good choice : No data transfer limitation with the proper space for small business. Therefore, it leads no extra pay for you.
  • Gigabit Network
Remark Illegal websites, porn webs, gambling websites, MP3 downloading websites or Bit Torrent type websites are not in these package. services.
Linux Hosting Server Linux Hosting
Mini H1 H2
Space 500 MB
700 MB
1 GB
1.2 GB
2 GB
2.2 GB
Data Transfer
(per month)
150 GB Unlimited Unlimited
Database 1
Subdomain 50 Unlimited Unlimited
User / FTP Account / Email 50 Unlimited Unlimited
Price Per Year (baht) 500฿ 900฿ 1500฿
Special price for Domain Registration * 340฿ 330฿ 320฿

Linux Hosting Server Linux Hosting
H3 H4 H5
Space 3 GB
4 GB
5 GB
7 GB
10 GB
13 GB
Data Transfer
(per month)
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Database 3
Subdomain Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
User / FTP Account / Email Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Price Per Year (baht) 2000฿ 2700฿ 5000฿
Special price for Domain Registration * 310฿ 300฿ Free Domain

Linux Web Hosting ServerLinux Web Hosting Package
linux web hostingUnder Construction page thailand web hosting
linux web hostingEvery Domain Name thailand web hosting
linux web hostingDirectAdmin ControlPanel thailand web hosting
linux web hostingAdd On Services thailand web hosting
hostingMySQL 10.0.38-MariaDB, 5.5.62 / phpMyAdmin 4.4.15, 4.8.4 thailand web hosting
hostingPHP 5.3, 5.5, 7.3, 7.2, 5.6, thailand web hosting
linux web hostingCGI thailand web hosting
linux web hostingAjax thailand web hosting
linux web hostingXML thailand web hosting
linux web hostingGoogle App thailand web hosting
linux web hostingWebalizer Log Analyzer thailand web hosting
linux web hostingSetup Cost (first time) Free
linux web hostingYour DNS (Ex. thailand web hosting
E-Mail Feature
linux web hostingPOP3 E-Mail thailand web hosting
linux web hostingFTP Account thailand web hosting
linux web hostingEmail Aliases Unlimited
linux web hostingMail Forwarding Unlimited
linux web hostingAuto Responders Unlimited
linux web hostingWeb-based email thailand web hosting
linux web hostingE-mail Virus Scanning thailand web hosting
linux web hostingSpam Filter Email thailand web hosting
linux web hostingAnti-Spam Protection thailand web hosting
linux web hostingOutgoing SMTP Server thailand web hosting
Programming Feature
linux web hostingApache WebServer 2.4.48 thailand web hosting
linux web hostingMySQL 10.0.38-MariaDB, 5.5.62 thailand web hosting
linux web hostingPHP 5.3, 5.5, 7.3, 7.2, 5.6, thailand web hosting
linux web hostingCGI Support thailand web hosting
linux web hostingGD 2.0.28 Support thailand web hosting
linux web hostingPHP Accelerator Installed thailand web hosting
linux web hostingMod Gzip Installed thailand web hosting
linux web hostingPerl v.5.8.1 thailand web hosting
linux web hostingMacromedia Dreamweaver thailand web hosting
linux web hostingPassword Protection Directory thailand web hosting
linux web hostingCentOS 7.6 64 bits thailand web hosting
linux web hostingSSI (.shtml) thailand web hosting
Account Management
linux web hostingDirectAdmin Control Panel thailand web hosting
linux web hostingUser Account Management thailand web hosting
linux web hostingDomian Name Management thailand web hosting
linux web hostingphpMyAdmin For Mysql thailand web hosting
Control Panel
hostingDirectAdmin Control Panel thailand web hosting
linux web hostingHosting Transfer Free !! for transfering data & setup from other Hosting to IC-MyHost Web Hosting
linux web hostingCMS Support IC-MyHost Web Hosting support all CMS such as Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, Mambo, PHP-Nuke, SMF, Magento, Discuzz, Xoops, Maxsite, Moodle, phpBB, IPB, Wiki and etc.
linux web hostingFree Technical Support Support by Computer Engineering Team 24/7 HOTLINE 086-3083669
linux web hostingDatabase Daily Backup
(keep 30 Days Cycle)
thailand web hosting
linux web hostingCode Weekly Backup
(keep 4 Weeks Cycle)
thailand web hosting
linux web hostingAll System Weekly Backup thailand web hosting


  • Price are not include VAT 7%
  • Promotion Register Domain (.com) special price for 1 year payment period only
  • For over data transfer (in each month) +100 baht / 1GB
  • For Illegal website or ICT, we'll suspend or delete immediately.
  • Not allow Cloud Linux Hosting to do the cron job though direct admin
  • For website which want to use PHP 5.3, 5.5, 5.6, 7.2, please tell staff when you confirm the payment

The Total Linux Hosting Solutions by

We provide the complete tools you need to create a powerful presence on the Internet. Our linux hosting is equipped by top of the world-class severs in a state-of-the-art datacenter. Our full hosting services include Web Design, Web Hosting, Domain Name Registration, Reseller and personnel use with leading-edge technology you need for a successful business. Our highest quality web hosting facilities are custom designed to accommodate the most demanding of bandwidth and performance requirements with 99.99% reliability. With 24/7 network monitoring, our customers have come to expect and receive the latest possible internet connection.